Mobilegeddon 2.0

Did you know that 80% of internet users own a Smartphone (Smart Insights) and the race for Google's number one spot is becoming increasingly more difficult, with fierce competition and algorithms?

So, what do you need to do?

You are probably familiar with 'Mobilegeddon' a term that came about in 2015 and it looks like 2017 is the year that it's actually going to make a difference.

It's no surprise that Google are focusing on mobile optimisation; it makes sense. Here's why, in 2016, 70% of adults accessed the internet 'on the go’ using a mobile phone (Office of national statistics). Research by Adobe highlights that nearly 8 out of every 10 consumers would stop engaging with a piece of content if it didn’t display well on the device they were using.

We've all been there, we like to find information quickly and hate when it feels like a chore. The beauty of Google is that we expect to find information at the click of a button and we don't wait around. If your site is difficult to navigate, people are likely to give-up and move on to a site that provides better user experience.

So, what's Google actually changing?

Google has started to test 'mobile-first indexing' to put this as simply, Google wants it's index and results to suit it's users and that happens to be those on mobile. It makes sense to us, but it means your website really needs to be mobile friendly or you could be in trouble. If you are unsure if your website is mobile friendly, you can check by copying your web address into Google's Mobile Friendly Test.

If this is the first you have heard of 'Mobilegeddon' and your website is not responsive to mobile devices, you should look into updating your website as soon as possible. If your website is mobile friendly, here are a few things you may want to look into to ensure your website performs well on Google, keeping you ahead of competitors.

  • Font Size
  • Page Load Speed
  • Size and Quality of Images
  • Is your telephone number a clickable link for mobile users?
  • Regularly updated and unique content

If you have any questions about 'Mobilegeddon, please get in touch with us today. Call us on 028 9038 8339 or drop us an email to